
Projects do not live within departments

ERP in corporate management
Digital transformation of management functions is in the long run, and sometimes it can be quite difficult to outline all of these stages in the initial strategy. The most vital systems are implemented in the first stages, such as sales and cost accounting. Then it is time to come up with work management systems, CRM, marketing platforms, etc.

Each corporate system generates a lot of data. Initially, systems may seem to be quite separate, but over time they begin to intersect.

Let's look at this example. One young IT company installed an accounting system at the first step of occurrence. But, since real projects never live within the framework of organizational structures, but involve staff from different functional areas, the organization introduced an extra system that helps track employees' time and attendance on projects.

As a result, the work on bringing together the costs of projects and their revenue had to be formed almost manually. After that, the company began to tune the financial accounting system for AGILE planning in order to understand how many employees are involved in the stream and, accordingly, how much the organization spent on personnel during the project.

The setup process lasted six months. The vast range of departments was attended to: accounting, developers, finance, the internal IT and system automation department. History is silent about the final cost of the entire modernization, although we all understand that it was high. Would it be possible to find a more efficient solution for data reporting?

First, a company may introduce a corporate performance system. The range of system configurations is very wide, users can always choose some appropriate option. There are solutions for multi-divisional enterprises, up to medium and small organizations. The implementation of such solutions can take either 6 months or 1-2 months, like, for example, Spreadym.

It was possible to find another solution that could integrate data from the corporate finance system and the AGILE planning system. For example, a system with an API that allows you to integrate with external systems and collect data from them.

Spreadym combines these two approaches to solving the problem. An easy-to-use corporate performance management system allows you to set up company data management at a comfortable cost. In addition, the platform can collect data from other corporate systems and combine it in a single spreadsheet interface.