
Protect corporate information from unauthorized access

Flexible protection of corporate information
Companies may generate a vast range of data that needs a different approach to information security. The policies of corporate data privacy often depend on the type of business activity of the company, business area, organizational structure and dependence on other companies.

Moreover, there are a number of regulations that restrict the access and transfer of data within and outside the organization, such as the circulation of personal data.

The implementation of automated business management systems usually simplifies the control of information transfer and allows management to moderate access for each user of the system. However, how can information be protected if a regular Excel spreadsheet is used?

Standard privacy protection tools of Excel usually include information right management that allow users to apply necessary permeations on data. Users can block editing information or apply restrictions on the range of users for a particular file. The standard functionality does not provide for the ability to view part of the array data that refer to the permeation setups. 

In Spreadym, we have implemented the feature of flexible security setups to access corporate data. Each user of the platform is granted rights to view certain data series. This approach allows users to work with the same spreadsheets operating only the data that is allowed to them by corporate security policy.

The platform also enables users to completely freeze data at a particular moment. It means that other users cannot enter new information or introduce adjustments in the system setups.