
Why Excel is not enough for corporate planning

Excel has so firmly entered into our lives that we are no longer able to work without it, despite a number of limits that we face in corporate work.

Our team says yes to Excel. At the same time, we suggest upgrading Excel to the level at which you can work with corporate information, the same as using complex corporate performance systems.

Support multi-user access

Everyone faced a problem when several users could not edit a common Excel file at the same time. It is especially sad when all the changes made cannot be saved, because the file is open in Read-only access. Spreadym easily solves this problem. Each user has their own login and password and works with reports and data stored in the cloud. Users can fill in the same form at the same time, the data will be saved from every source.

Automatic consolidation of all corporate information from other software

Companies may have different systems for working with financial, operational and other corporate information. Such systems usually have their own logic for calculating parameters. But when we try to download information to Excel, all links disappear. As a result, we have a file with raw data where we have to make links manually. Spreadym combines data from different systems into one while maintaining the relationships between parameters and the business logic of calculations. Users work with a single database of corporate information, which does not need to be adjusted manually every time.

Storing all versions of a document without flooding your computer with a number of similar files

Sometimes it can be necessary to consider information received from different sources by mail. It leads to a large list of similar files which only differ in date and initials of colleagues given amendments. Spreadym solves this problem by storing all versions of a document and by tracking changes that all users make (yes, you can look at a five-day-old version if it is needed). As a result, instead of a set of files with similar names, we get a structured tracking of all versions of the document.

To learn how it works visit this page.

2023-01-23 06:16