Benchmark values of financial indicators help evaluate a business's condition and financial stability. These benchmarks vary depending on the industry, business scale, and regional specifics, but there are generally accepted guidelines. Here are the key indicators and their benchmarks:
1. Liquidity Ratios
These measure a company’s ability to meet short-term obligations.
Current Ratio
= Current Assets / Current Liabilities
Benchmark: 1.5–2.5
A value below 1 indicates difficulties in covering liabilities.
Quick Ratio
=(Current Assets−Inventory) / Current Liabilities
Benchmark: 1–1.5
This ratio excludes less liquid assets such as inventory.
Absolute Liquidity
=(Cash + Short-term Investments) / Current Liabilities
Benchmark: 0.2–0.5
2. Financial Stability Indicators
These reflect the business’s reliance on debt capital.
Equity Ratio (Financial Independence)
=Equity / Total Capital
Benchmark: ≥ 0.5
The higher the value, the more the company relies on its own resources.
Debt-to-Equity Ratio
=Debt Capital / Equity
Benchmark: ≤ 1
High values indicate financial risks.
3. Profitability Indicators
These assess how effectively the company uses its resources.
Return on Sales (ROS)
=(Net Profit / Revenue) × 100%
Benchmark: ≥ 10% (depends on the industry)
Return on Assets (ROA)
=(Net Profit / Average Annual Assets) × 100%
Benchmark: ≥ 5–10%
Return on Equity (ROE)
=(Net Profit / Average Annual Equity) × 100%
Benchmark: ≥ 15%
4. Activity Indicators
These show how efficiently resources are utilized.
Asset Turnover
=Revenue / Average Annual Assets
Benchmark: 1–2 turnovers per year
Inventory Turnover
=Cost of Goods Sold / Average Inventory
Benchmark: 5–12 turnovers per year (depending on the industry)
Average Collection Period
=(Average Accounts Receivable / Revenue) × 365
Benchmark: ≤ 60 days
5. Accounts Payable
Average Payment Period
=(Average Accounts Payable / Cost of Goods Sold) × 365
Benchmark: ≤ 90 days
Benchmarks are approximate and may vary depending on the economic sector.
It is essential to consider trends rather than just one-time values.